Internal reporting channel

Internal reporting channel

Whistleblower protection is implemented in the organization People in Need (Člověk v tísni, o.p.s.) in accordance with Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on Whistleblower Protection (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"). 
On the basis of the Act, an internal whistleblowing channel ("IWC") has been established, through which whistleblowers have the opportunity to draw attention to a possible illegal act that has the characteristics of a criminal offence, misdemeanour or otherwise violates a legal regulation or a regulation of the European Union, the commission of which has come to the attention of the whistleblower in connection with work or other similar activity. 
Work or other similar activity means: 
1. employment, 
2. service, 
3. self-employment, 
4. the exercise of rights connected with participation in a legal person, 
5. the exercise of the functions of a member of a body of a legal person who is elected, appointed or otherwise called to office (an "elected body"), 
6. administration of a trust fund, 
7. volunteer activities, 
8. professional practice, internship, or 
9. the exercise of rights and obligations under a contract for the provision of supplies, services, works or other similar services. 
Only a natural person who should act in the public interest and in the good faith belief that the notification being made is based on reliable facts and circumstances may be a whistleblower. 
A whistleblower is entitled to the protection of the Act if the whistleblower had reasonable grounds to believe that the information notified about the infringement was true at the time of notification (i.e. the whistleblower must not make a knowingly false notification), that the information fell within the scope of the Act and, at the same time, if the whistleblower made the notification through a IWC, an external notification system, by publication or through another competent public authority. The main protective measure may be considered to be the prohibition of retaliation against the whistleblower and other natural and legal persons (e.g. colleagues, assistants of the whistleblower, persons close to the whistleblower, legal persons of which the whistleblower is a partner, etc.). 
The areas to be covered by the notified infringement are: 
1. public procurement; 
2. financial services, products and markets and the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing; 
3. product safety and compliance; 
4. transport security; 
5. environmental protection; 
6. radiation protection and nuclear safety; 
7. food and feed safety, health and animal welfare; 
8. public health; 
9. consumer protection; and 
10. protection of privacy and personal data and security of networks and information systems. 
Competent persons responsible for receiving and investigating notifications: 
Barbora Vonešová 
Options for submitting a notification through the IWC of People in Need: 
- in writing to Člověk v tísni, o.p.s., Barbora Vonešová, Šafaříkova 24, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech republic (can be sent by post or handed over in person at the reception desk at this address), please indicate on the envelope the text: "Do not open - only to the hands of the relevant person". 
- by phone: +420 775894935 (a written record of the phone notification will be made) 
- in person: by prior arrangement, by phone or e-mail it is possible to arrange a personal meeting 
The whistleblower may also submit his/her notification via the external notification system set up by the Ministry of Justice. 
Information on the processing of personal data 
If the whistleblower provides his/her personal data in the notification, People in Need, o.p.s. will process it as a data controller, as this is necessary to investigate the notification (to fulfil the legal obligation to which the controller is subject under the Act). The processing period is 5 years from the date of receipt of the notification. The data controller will not transfer the data to another person. The basic rights of the data subject (the whistleblower), as well as the data controller's details and the contact details of the Data Protection Officer, can be found here